A Traveler’s Guide to the Sinnoh Region
Exploring the Brilliant and Shining Islands
With its sharp peaks, dense woodlands, and picturesque lakes, the Sinnoh region is a beautiful place to seek new Pokémon and new adventures. If this is your first visit, read on to learn about the unique sights, trends, and challenges of this brilliant, shining land.
Getting Around in Sinnoh
Lovers of the great outdoors will feel right at home in the Sinnoh region, where your journey will take you from sandy beaches to swampy wetlands to waist-high snows. Fortunately, the people of Sinnoh have developed a number of handy technologies that will aid you in your travels.
The Two-Speed Bike
During your adventure, you’ll receive a bike from the owner of the Cycle Shop in Eterna City—he’ll even let you choose a color! Riding your bike allows you to travel through Sinnoh even faster than with the Running Shoes. As you’ll see if you check the Pokétch’s Pedometer app while riding, “steps” traveled by bike still count toward things like hatching Pokémon Eggs. Whenever you mount your bike from your Bag or at one of Sinnoh’s many bike stands, you’ll start at third gear, which offers improved maneuverability. Fourth gear is harder to control but allows you to ride faster, ascend steep slopes, and get maximum distance when you jump off of slanted rocks like the ones found in Oreburgh Gate. Press the B Button to switch between third and fourth gear at any time.

Using the Town Map
The Town Map you’ll receive in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl is much more detailed than the one seen in the original games. A flag now indicates your next destination, and you can press the + Button to bring up Location Info that’ll show you the locations of Berry plants and Honey trees you’ve visited before. You can even filter your results to only see the plants and trees that are ready for a return visit!.
Putting Your Pokétch to Good Use
As in the original Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, you’ll receive a Pokémon Watch—or Pokétch for short—in Jubilife City. This device, which formerly filled the lower half of the Nintendo DS, now lives in the upper-right corner of your Nintendo Switch system’s screen. Enlarge or reduce the Pokétch display with a tap of the R Button, or press and hold the R Button to clear it from your screen entirely. Tap the Pokétch’s big red button to toggle between available apps. Note that some of the Pokétch’s former features, such as the Berry Searcher, have been integrated into the Town Map. But there are still plenty of useful apps to try, like the Friendship Checker that measures your bond with your Pokémon (see Pokémon Friendship [link]) and the Dowsing Machine that lets you find hidden items. Best of all, the new Hidden Moves app makes using hidden moves like Fly and Strength a breeze!
Travel with Hidden Moves
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl veterans may be surprised to discover that hidden moves work very differently now. As in other recent Pokémon releases, the classic Hidden Machine (HM) items have been converted to Technical Machines (TMs). In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, however, each TM can only be used once before breaking. Now when a Pokémon learns moves like Surf or Defog, those moves can be forgotten just like any other. And thanks to the Hidden Moves app, your Pokémon no longer need to learn moves like Cut or Rock Smash in order for you to remove obstacles in the field or travel across difficult terrain. That said, you’re still required to earn the appropriate Gym Badge before you’re able to access a hidden move outside of battle.
To use a hidden move, select it from the Hidden Moves app on your Pokétch. Certain hidden moves can also be accessed by pressing the A Button near the object or terrain you wish to interact with. If you don’t have a Pokémon that knows the move on hand, you’ll automatically call on a wild Pokémon to lend a helping wing or paw.
Preparing for Inclement Weather
Dynamic weather isn’t merely part of Sinnoh’s charm—it’s a whole gameplay mechanic. For example, when it’s raining, Water-type moves get a significant power boost, Fire-type moves become much less effective, and the move Thunder becomes 100% accurate in battle. Snowy areas aren’t always accompanied by hailstorms in battle, but when they are, the hail deals damage to each active non-Ice type Pokémon at the end of every turn (unless they’re protected by an item or Ability). Finally, those who trudge through fog will face a major drop in the accuracy of all their moves. Luckily, by the time you have a reason to cross foggy areas, you should be able to use the hidden move Defog to clear it off the field.
Unique Sights and Activities
From the vast subterranean network of the Grand Underground to the dazzling spectacle of Super Contest Shows, there’s a lot more to the Sinnoh region than initially meets the eye. Here are a few of the peculiar destinations and features that make Sinnoh stand out from other regions in the Pokémon world.
The Grand Underground
The Grand Underground has been dramatically revamped since its initial appearance as the Underground in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl. It still offers a vast network of tunnels full of spots to dig for valuable treasures and create your own Secret Base, but now there are also caves and caverns where wild Pokémon roam free. These Pokémon Hideaways are home to a variety of Pokémon, some of which can only be found in the Grand Underground. Check out Delving Deep into the Grand Underground for full details.
Super Contest Shows
Sinnoh has a thriving Pokémon performing arts scene centered at the Contest Hall in Hearthome City. Here, you and your favorite Pokémon can enter Super Contest Shows, a popular activity combining elements of talent shows with rhythm action games. It’s a fun way to spend time with your Pokémon out of battle and win some tantalizing prizes along the way. See Seeking Stardom in Super Contest Shows to learn more.

Amity Square
Hearthome City is also home to Amity Square, a charming Pokémon park where sufficiently cute Pokémon can roam free, develop their friendship levels, and collect items like Stickers and Berries for their beloved Trainers. You can initially choose one Pokémon from your party to walk with you, and up to five other Pokémon to run around the park as they please. Track down your Pokémon and speak to them at regular intervals to see if they’ve found any items. It’s a lovely way to bond with your Pokémon, even if the list of Pokémon that are allowed to enter is a tad exclusive.
Eligible Sinnoh Pokédex Pokémon
Eligible National Pokédex Pokémon
Stickers Everywhere!
The hottest Trainer trend in Sinnoh appears to be decorating the heck out of Ball Capsules. You can earn Stickers as Super Contest Show prizes, receive them from Gym Leaders or other Trainers, and buy them in Sunyshore City. Once you’ve unlocked Capsule Decoration, use the Sticker command from the main menu to stick up to 20 Stickers on Ball Capsules tat you can then assign to occupied Poké Balls. Then, when you deploy that Poké Ball in battle, it’ll create a burst of light and sound as each Sticker does its thing. Stickers can be reused an infinite number of times, so get decorating and don’t hold back!
Keeping up with Fashion
Not only do Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl let you choose your Trainer’s appearance, but these games also allow you to update your in-game wardrobe with a variety of stylish new looks. When you’re ready to shake things up, visit Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City. But be forewarned—fashion doesn’t come cheap.